Ireland mother tattooed her eyeballs purple and blue —now going blind

  • Mum-of-five known as Anaya Peterson who tattooed her eyeballs has ended up in the hospital and could go blind
  • The law student was inspired by ‘blue-eyed dragon’ Amber Luke
  • She regrets not listening to her seven-year-old daughter’s warning oversight 

An Ireland mother identified as Anaya Peterson, 31 tattooed her eyeballs purple and blue and may probably now go blind. She brushed off her daughter’s advice to not get her eyeballs tattooed due to potential blindness — and now, she’s losing her vision.

Law student Anaya Peterson was inspired by Australian model Amber Luke, who had her eyeballs tattooed a bright blue and then experienced three weeks of blindness. Peterson, 32, appears to be permanently losing her sight despite Luke regaining her vision.

“I was just going to get one [eye tattoo] at first, because I thought that if I go blind, at least I’ve got the other eye. I should have stuck with that,” Peterson told Kennedy News. “My daughter told me that I didn’t want to do that [the tattoo] asking, ‘What if you go blind?’ She wasn’t on board with it at all.”

She now regrets not paying attention to her sage 7-year-old. The woman from Belfast, Northern Ireland, was hospitalized due to the modification of her eyeball following a possible ink reaction, and she now claims that cataracts are a possibility.

“I don’t have 20/20 vision anymore. From a distance, I can’t see features on faces,” she said. “If I didn’t have my eyeballs tattooed, I wouldn’t be having this problem. Even today I woke up with more floaters in my eyes. And that is dangerous.”

However, her harrowing tattoo story didn’t start off on such a rocky note; for months after getting her right eye tattooed blue in July 2020, she had no issues. She made the decision to tattoo her left eyeball purple in December of that year despite experiencing some dryness and headaches.

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Things began to go wrong in August 2021. One morning, she awoke with eyelids that were excessively swollen and appeared as though she had “five rounds with Mike Tyson.” She made the decision to check herself into the hospital as the symptoms got worse. There, she received intravenous medicine for three days and had her problematic eye biopsied by medical professionals.

“I just wanted to be at home watching [TV] to be honest. I can’t even put it into words. It wasn’t nice at all whatsoever,” she recalled. “It was traumatizing to go through. I just remember thinking, ‘I’m not doing that s – – t again, with the eye tattoo. I’m definitely not doing that s – – t again.’ “

“I’m kind of recovered — on the outside, it’s recovered. It’s just inside. I’m basically on the verge of going blind,” she said. “If I could go back in time, I would have done one black [eye tattoo] and left it. I would have done one black. Absolutely.”

Despite the grim outlook, Peterson remains positive in the face of negative comments she receives online.

“I tell my daughter not to care about the opinions of someone else because they’re just ordinary people like you,” she said. “You have positive comments and negative comments, but the negative comments always overshadow the positive ones.”

According to Petrson’s inspiration, Aussie influencer Luke, an eyeball tattoo should never result in blindness if done correctly.

“Unfortunately, my artist went too deep into my eyeball,” she previously told the Daily Star when she lost her vision for three weeks. “If your eyeball procedure’s done correctly, you’re not supposed to go blind at all.”

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