14-year-old girl gains admission to University of Malawi, set to become a doctor at the age of 19

An exceptional 14-year-old girl from Zimbabwe, Taida Mapara has set an outstanding record as one of the youngest African students ever accepted to university after being admitted to the University of Malawi College of Medicine.

Taida Mapara had outstanding educational progress completing 13 years of the primary and high school program in just 8 years. She progressed to higher education and aced the June 2020 A’ Level Cambridge examinations with 3 As in Biology, Chemistry and Mathematics at Hilbright Science College in Zimbabwe.

Taida Mapara had ever since she was young dreamed of becoming a medical doctor and following her exceptional academic record, she was accepted to the University of Malawi to earn a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS).

Speaking about her journey, Taida Mapara said she got more inspired to study Medicine after listening to a lot of people referring to the course as being hard.

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“Everyone says medicine is very hard but that made me want to study it even more. If there are people out there who were able to get through it, then why can’t I?,” she said.

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